(202) 596-2361

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Homeless Ministry

In our Nation’s Capital, there is evidence of gentrification and revitalization that are all around us. From one of its major roads, you can see a vast array of construction cranes that fill the City Skyline. However, in the shadow of this renewal and revitalization are the homeless that sleep on its streets, subway entrances, and parks. Many of them have a view of our nation’s monuments and symbols of democracy and justice. Franklin Park is one of the locations that’s highly frequented. Located just a few blocks from the White House and the Veterans Administration, it is used as a sanctuary for many. Some are elderly, some are adults with kids, and some are Veterans. They are from all different races, ethnicities, and backgrounds, bonded together by a common need, seeking hope and help. Each fourth Sunday, Fusion provides meals to feed approximately 108 people. However, the need is far more significant, and, with your help, we could do more and extend our ability to not only reach more people but, most importantly, to help more. Consider becoming a ministry partner. With your help, we can do just that.

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